eISSN 2097-6054 ISSN 1672-9234 CN 11-5289/R
Responsible Institution:China Association for Science and Technology
Publishing:Chinese Nursing Journals Publishing House Co.,Ltd.
Sponsor:Chinese Nursing Association
Source journal for Chinese Science Citation Database
China Academic Journals Full-text Database
China Core Journal Alternative Database

Chinese Journal of Nursing Education ›› 2019, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (8): 586-590.

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Teaching reform of nursing specialty from the perspective of "Ideological and Political Theory Education"


  • Online:2019-08-15 Published:2019-09-17

Abstract: Ideological and political theory education is a new moral education model in colleges and universities.Ideological and political theory education in nursing refers to the integration of ideological and political moral education into all aspects of curriculum teaching while cultivating nursing students' medical specialty knowledge and skills. The current paper analyzed the necessity and barriers of "Ideological and political theory education" in nursing specialty. Besides,we elaborated ways and methods of "ideological and political theory education" integrated in nursing specialty.