eISSN 2097-6054 ISSN 1672-9234 CN 11-5289/R
Responsible Institution:China Association for Science and Technology
Publishing:Chinese Nursing Journals Publishing House Co.,Ltd.
Sponsor:Chinese Nursing Association
Source journal for Chinese Science Citation Database
China Academic Journals Full-text Database
China Core Journal Alternative Database

Chinese Journal of Nursing Education ›› 2019, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (7): 532-535.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.1672-9234.2019.07.014

• Continuing Education • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The effects of scenario simulation on emergency response ability of junior nurses

Gui-Fang ZHANG,Zhen-ya LIU,Shi-juan GAO,Na Sun,Ying-pu FENG()   

  • Received:2019-03-27 Online:2019-07-20 Published:2019-08-08

Abstract: Objective To explore the effect of using scenario simulation to train the emergency response ability of junior nurses. Methods Eight emergency skills were selected based on the textbook of 《Nursing Emergency Plan and Safety》 and the frequency of cerebral diseases. Then eight scenario simulation cases were developed. Twenty-one junior nurses were trained by the 8 cases. Results It was showed that scores of all dimensions of nurses' emergency response ability were significantly higher than those before the training(t=8.797,P<0.05). Conclusion Scenario simulation can effectively improve the emergency response ability of junior nurses.

Key words: Nurses, Inservice Training, Emergency Responders, Scenario simulation