eISSN 2097-6054 ISSN 1672-9234 CN 11-5289/R
Responsible Institution:China Association for Science and Technology
Publishing:Chinese Nursing Journals Publishing House Co.,Ltd.
Sponsor:Chinese Nursing Association
Source journal for Chinese Science Citation Database
China Academic Journals Full-text Database
China Core Journal Alternative Database


  • Instructions to Authors

    About the journal

    Chinese Journal of Nursing Education was established on September, 2004. Sponsored by the Chinese Nursing Association and published at home and abroad, Chinese Journal of Nursing Education mainly reports the leading scientific research achievements and teaching experience in the field of nursing education, as well as the nursing theory research which has guiding effect on nursing education. Chinese Journal of Nursing  Education is one of source journals of Chinese Science Citation Database. Chinese Journal of Nursing Education is available both in print and online.

    Scope of the journal

    The purpose of Chinese Journal of Nursing Education is to carry out the principles and policies of the Chinese Communist Party and the state in health field, to focus on nursing education , the continuing education and  patient health education, and to promote the academic exchange of nursing at home and abroad.


    Editorial process

    A manuscript will be reviewed for possible publication with the understanding that it is being submitted to Chinese Journal of Nursing Education alone at that point in time and has not been published anywhere, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere. The journal expects that authors would authorize one of them to correspond with Chinese Journal of Nursing Education for all matters related to the manuscript. On submission, full-time editors review all submitted manuscripts initially for suitability for formal review. Manuscripts with insufficient originality, serious scientific or technical flaws, or lack of a significant message are rejected before proceeding to formal peer-review. Manuscripts that are unlikely to be of interest to the journal readers are also liable to be rejected at this stage.

    Manuscripts that are found suitable for publication in Chinese Journal of Nursing Education are sent to two or more expert reviewers. The reviewers should not be affiliated with the same institutes as the contributor/s. The selection of these reviewers is at the sole discretion of full-time editors. The journal follows a double-blind review process, wherein the reviewers and authors are unaware of each other’s identity. The journal holds a meeting monthly in Beijing or outside Beijing to make the final decision on whether or not to publish a manuscript, with the Editor-in-Chief and editorial board members of the journal as attendees. The comments and suggestions (acceptance/rejection/revision in manuscript) received from reviewers are conveyed to the corresponding author. If required, the author is requested to provide a point-by-point response to reviewers’ comments and submit a revised version of the manuscript. This process is repeated till reviewers and editors are satisfied with the manuscript.

    Manuscripts accepted for publication are copy edited by full-time editors in the editorial office. Page proofs are sent to the corresponding author. The corresponding author is expected to return the corrected proofs within seven days. The whole process of manuscript submission to final decision and sending proofs is completed online.

    Authorship criteria

    Authors should determine the order of authorship among themselves and should input in order according to the prompt of submission system. Name, unit and E-mail are required items. First author and/or corresponding author should also fill in telephone, address, mobile phone number, postal code, title and ID card number or passport number. Due to the double-blind peer review in this journal, no author's name and unit should appear in the body of the submission.


    Changes in authorship

    Authors should settle any disagreements before submitting their manuscript. Changes in authorship (i.e., order, addition, and deletion of authors) should be discussed and approved by all authors. Any requests for such changes in authorship after initial manuscript submission and before publication should be explained in writing to the editor in a letter or email from all authors and should send the original signed written consent of all authors with authorized unit stamp.


    Contribution details

    Contributors should provide a description of contributions made by each of them towards the manuscript. Description should be divided in following categories, as applicable: concept, design, definition of intellectual content, literature search, clinical studies, experimental studies, data acquisition, data analysis, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, manuscript editing and manuscript review. One author should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole from inception to published article and should be designated as “corresponding author”.

    Conflicts of interest

    All authors must disclose any and all conflicts of interest, they may have with publication of the manuscript or an institution or product that is mentioned in the manuscript and/or is important to the outcome of the study presented. Authors should also disclose conflicts of interest with products that compete with those mentioned in their manuscript. A conflict of interest may exist when an author (or the author’s institution or employer) has financial or personal relationships or affiliations that could influence (or bias) the author’s decisions, work, or manuscript. All authors are required to complete and submit the Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Note: This form will be requested after a manuscript has been submitted, but authors should also include conflict of interest disclosures in the Acknowledgment section of the submitted manuscript.

    Clinical trial registry

    Chinese Journal of Nursing Education requires registration of clinical trials. Registration in the following trial registers is acceptable: http://www.chictr.org.cn/; http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/; http:// www.isrctn.org/; http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/index.asp; and http://www.umin.ac.jp/ctr and any registry that is a primary register of the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) (www.who.int/ictrp/network/primary/en/index.html).

    Retraction policy

    Chinese Journal of Nursing Education should consider retracting a publication if:

    Editors have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g., data fabrication) or honest error (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error).

    The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission or justification (i.e., cases of redundant publication).

    It constitutes plagiarism.

    It reports unethical research.

    plagiarism abides by COPE Retraction Guidelines. (http://publicationethics.org/files/retraction%20guidelines_0.pdf).

    Preparation of manuscripts

    All manuscripts must be submitted on-line through the website: http://www.zhhlzzs.com. First time users will have to register at this site. Registration is free but mandatory. Registered authors can keep track of their articles after logging into the site using their user name and password.

    Manuscripts requirement

    Manuscript: Should be innovative, scientific and practical, with clear arguments, reliable information, refined text, clear structure, accurate and standardized data.

    Title: Should be concise and eye-catching, reflecting the theme of the article. Chinese titles should not exceed 20 Chinese characters. 

    Authorship: The order of authors should be determined at the time of submission, and input according to the prompt of submission system. Name, unit and E-mail are required items, the first author and/or corresponding author also need to fill in telephone, address, mobile phone number, postal code, title and ID card number. Due to double-blind peer review of this journal, author's name and unit should not appear in the submitted article.

    Abstract: All research articles should be accompanied by abstracts of Chinese and English versions, which include the following four parts: objective, methods, results and conclusion.

    Key words: List 3 to 8 key words according to MeSH.

    Figure and table: Each figure or table should have a concise title. Reasonably arrange the table’s vertical and horizontal headings, and express the meaning of data clearly. The figure should not be too large, the ratio of height to width should be around 5:7. Photographs require clarity and contrast.

    Digital: Implementation of GB/T15835-2011 “Digital Usage in Publications”.

    Statistical symbols: According to the relevant provisions of GB/T3358.1-2009, GB/T3358.3-2009.

    Abbreviation: Except for the abbreviations that can be used directly as stipulated in this journal, others should describe their full names in Chinese at their first appearance, and then indicate their full Chinese or English names and abbreviations in parentheses.

    References: According to GB/T7714-2015 “Rules for the Description of Information and Documentary References”, sequential coding is adopted, and mark them in Arabic numerals plus square brackets according to the order in which they appear in the text. Among the authors in the references, List authors up to three; if more than three, list the first three authors followed by “et al”.

    Fund Project: If you have obtained a national or ministerial or provincial fund or a research project, you should add a footnote to the author of the first page, such as Fund Project: **** (No.***), Please upload a copy of the fund certificate when submitting the manuscript.

    Title Hierarchy: The title hierarchy is continuously coded in Arabic numerals, and the title hierarchy is generally no more than 4 levels. The first-level title is 1, the second-level title is 1.1, the third-level title is 1.1.1, and the fourth-level title is

    Special statement

    Contribution: The introduction letter of the unit and fund project certificate, etc., should be uploaded at the same time. The introduction letter of the unit should indicate the unit’s opinion on the manuscript, no duplicate submission, not involving secrecy, and signature without dispute, etc, and indicate the author’s ranking and first author’s information. If there is a corresponding author, the contents to be indicated are the same with those for the first author. If there is a patent, please attach a copy of the patent certificate.

    Expense: The author must pay 40 yuan (approximately $6) as processing fee at the same time with manuscript submission. In the case of unpaid manuscript processing fee, the manuscript will not enter the review process. After the manuscript is confirmed to be accepted, page fee will be charged according standard and electronic invoice will be issued. If the author requests to withdraw the manuscript after the page fee is collected, the page fee will not be refunded. After the manuscript is published, author’s remuneration will be provided, and the current issue of the journal will be sent as a gift. All the manuscripts employed in this journal are published in the forms of paper-based journals, CD-ROMs and network version at the same time.

    Ethics: For prospective studies involving human subjects, authors are expected to mention about approval of regional/national/institutional or independent Ethics Committee or Review Board, obtaining informed consent from adult research participants, a statement on ethics committee permission and ethical practices must be included in research articles under the “Methods” section. Ensure confidentiality of subjects by desisting from mentioning participants’ names, initials or hospital numbers, especially in illustrative materials.

    Copyrights: Authors of the manuscripts for publication must sign the copyright transfer of the papers in Chinese Journal of Nursing Education, affix an official seal and send it to the editorial office or send the electronic version to the editorial office after scanning. Address: Editorial Department of Chinese Journal of Nursing Education, 28th Floor, Building C, Chengming Building, Xizhimen South Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100035.

    Reviewing Manuscript: Review the manuscripts sent to us and reply to the preliminary review within 2 weeks. Those who have not received the notice of the manuscript within 3 months, illustrate that manuscripts are still in the process of trial. The author is allowed to make different opinions for the absence of manuscripts. If the author wishes to submit to the others journal, please contact us first, do not submit more than one draft.

    Contact: Please do not send manuscripts and remittances to individuals. For matters related to the manuscript, the editorial department will contact the corresponding author or the first author or, and send author’s remuneration and free journals to the first author.

  • 2021-03-23 Visited: 12625