eISSN 2097-6054 ISSN 1672-9234 CN 11-5289/R
Responsible Institution:China Association for Science and Technology
Publishing:Chinese Nursing Journals Publishing House Co.,Ltd.
Sponsor:Chinese Nursing Association
Source journal for Chinese Science Citation Database
China Academic Journals Full-text Database
China Core Journal Alternative Database

Chinese Journal of Nursing Education ›› 2025, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 153-157.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.1672-9234.2025.02.004

• New Nures Training • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Practice of standardized training for new nurses in stomatological hospitals

WANG Lüya(),LIU Fan(),HUANG Shuqi,LU Zhe   

  • Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-02-19


Training for new nurses in stomatological hospitals,centered on job competency,can effectively enhance the professional qualities and service capabilities of these nurses,and contrib-ute to meet the diverse and multi-level health service needs of the people. West China Hospital of Stomatology,Sichuan University advances the training of new nurses through four major aspects:top-level design,training plans,training strategies,and teacher development. This enables new nurses to grow into nursing talents who are “well-versed in basic knowledge,proficient in clinical skills,strong in learning abilities,and excellent in overall qualities”. It can provide practical experience for the implementation of training programs for new nurses in specialist hospitals.

Key words: Stomatological hospitals, Training of new nurses, Job Competency