ISSN 2097-6054(网络) ISSN 1672-9234(印刷) CN 11-5289/R
主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中华护理学会

中华护理教育 ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (12): 1468-1471.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.1672-9234.2024.12.010

• 实验与实践教学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 314200 浙江省嘉兴市 平湖市职业中等专业学校
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-18 出版日期:2024-12-15 发布日期:2024-12-17
  • 作者简介:张钰,女,本科,讲师,护师,

Teaching design and implementation of Nursing Skills Course in secondary vocational education

ZHANG Yu()   

  • Received:2023-09-18 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-12-17


目的 设计中职护理技术课程教学,并探讨其实践效果。方法 设计中职护理技术课程教学,过程包括明确教学目标、整合教学内容、构建“三阶五段”教学模式、建设教学资源库、设计教学评价;并将其运用于平湖市职业中等专业学校2022级高中一年级护理专业某班40名学生中。通过课程成绩、课程结束后利用自设调查表对学生开展的教学满意度调查结果反映教学效果。结果 40名学生3学期的护理技术课程成绩依次为(88.08±3.34)分、(88.93±3.03)分、(91.33±2.66)分。对教学态度、教学能力、教学内容、教学组织、知识技能获取、临床见习收获满意者占比77.5%~92.5%。结论 中职护理技术课程教学效果良好,学生满意度较高,可为中职护理专业课程教学创新提供参考。

关键词: 教育, 护理, 中等职业学校, 护理技术, 教学改革


Objective To explore the teaching design of Nursing Skills course in secondary vocational education and evaluate its practical effects. Methods The Nursing Skills course was designed by clarifying teaching objectives,integrating teaching content,constructing a “three-level,five-stage” teaching mode,building a teaching resource database,and devising an evaluation system. The curriculum was then implemented among 40 first-year nursing students in the 2022 cohort at Pinghu Vocational Secondary School. The teaching effectiveness was evaluated through course grades and student satisfaction surveys conducted through a self-designed questionnaire at the end of the course. Results The Nursing Skills course grades of the 40 students over three semesters were (88.08±3.34),(88.93±3.03),and(91.33±2.66),respectively. The proportion of students satisfied with teaching attitude,teaching ability,teaching content,teaching organization,acquisition of knowledge and skills,and clinical internship experience ranged from 77.5% to 92.5%. Conclusion The vocational nursing skills course demonstrated good teaching effectiveness,with high levels of student satisfaction. This study can provide a certain reference for teaching innovation in nursing programs in secondary vocational education.

Key words: Education, Nursing, Secondary vocational education, Nursing Skills, Teaching reform