ISSN 2097-6054(网络) ISSN 1672-9234(印刷) CN 11-5289/R
主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中华护理学会

中华护理教育 ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 669-675.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.1672-9234.2024.06.005

• 专题策划——护理人文教育 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 350108 福州市 福建医科大学护理学院(吴炜炜,张旋,陈菁菁,林雁,洪幼娟);闽江师范高等专科学校(练彩敏)
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-23 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-06-13
  • 作者简介:吴炜炜,女,博士,副教授,
  • 基金资助:

Design and practice of blended teaching based ideological and political theory education in Nursing Humanities

WU Weiwei(),LIAN Caimin,ZHANG Xuan,CHEN Jingjing,LIN Yan,HONG Youjuan   

  • Received:2024-02-23 Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-06-13


目的 设计以职业情感培育和职业素养提升为核心的本科护理人文学混合式课程思政教学方案,并探讨其应用效果。 方法 构建本科护理人文学混合式课程思政教学方案,主要步骤包括明确课程思政维度,设计课程思政目标;匹配思政教学主题,挖掘课程思政元素;制作多元化课程思政微案例资源。选取某医科大学2021级护理专业本科生112名作为研究对象,在护理人文学中实施“触发感知—学习赋能—行动转化”课程思政混合式教学。通过课程成绩、教学满意度及教学效果调查结果、思政反思主题讨论区的学生回帖内容语义网络分析与情感分析结果评价实施成效。 结果 112名学生课程成绩为(85.55±3.41)分;108名(96.4%)学生对教学表示满意或非常满意,依次有106名(94.6%)、101名(90.2%)、102名(91.1%)学生赞同或非常赞同课程思政教学有助于提高其护理人文关怀意识水平、培养其共情能力、锻炼其沟通能力,依次有103名(92.0%)、99名(88.4%)、96名(85.7%)学生赞同或非常赞同课程思政教学有助于提升其职业认知水平、职业价值感、增强其职业自信。2 167条回帖内容的语义网络分析与情感分析结果显示,形成了以“护士”和“护理”为核心词的两大语义网络,对于“护士”的讨论主要集中于工作能力与工作环境,有关“护理”的讨论则主要集中于内部职业感知及外部职业评价等方面;积极情绪文本数为916(78.90%)。 结论 护理人文学混合式课程思政教学不仅有助于提升学生的学习满意度和收获感,还有助于激发其职业情感、提升其职业素养。

关键词: 护理人文学, 课程思政, 混合式教学


Objective To design a mixed ideological and political teaching program for undergraduate Nursing Humanities courses centered on the cultivation of professional emotions and improvement of professional qualities,and to explore its application effects. Methods A mixed ideological and political teaching program for undergraduate Nursing Humanities courses was designed,with the main steps including clarifying the ideological and political dimensions of the course and designing its ideological and political objectives;selecting ideological and political teaching topics and exploring the ideological and political elements of the course;and creating diversified micro-case resources for ideological and political education. A total of 112 nursing undergraduate students from the 2021 cohort of a medical university were selected as the research subjects. The mixed ideological and political teaching model of “triggering perception-learning empowerment-action transformation” was implemented in the Nursing Humanities course. The teaching effect was evaluated through course performance,teaching satisfaction and teaching effect survey results,as well as the semantic network analysis and sentiment analysis results of students’ replies in the ideological and political reflection topic discussion area. Results The course performance of the 112 students was(85.55±3.41) points;108(96.4%) students expressed satisfaction or great satisfaction with the teaching,and 106(94.6%),101(90.2%),and 102(91.1%) students believed that the course helped improve their nursing humanistic care awareness,empathy,and communication skills,respectively. Meanwhile,103(92.0%),99(88.4%),and 96(85.7%) students believed that the course helped enhance their professional recognition,understanding of professional value,and professional self-confidence,respectively. The results of semantic network analysis and sentiment analysis on the content of 2 167 replies indicated that two major semantic networks had been formed with “nurse” and “nursing” as the core words. Discussions on “nurse” mainly focused on working ability and working environment,while discussions on “nursing” mainly concentrated on internal professional perception and external professional evaluation. Among the replies,the number of texts expressing positive emotions accounted for 916(78.90%). Conclusion The mixed ideological and political teaching program for Nursing Humanities courses not only helps enhance students’ learning satisfaction and sense of achievement,but also stimulates their professional emotions and improves their professional qualities.

Key words: Nursing Humanities, Ideological and political theory education, Blending learning