ISSN 2097-6054(网络) ISSN 1672-9234(印刷) CN 11-5289/R
主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中华护理学会

中华护理教育 ›› 2019, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (8): 617-620.

• 临床实践 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2019-08-15 发布日期:2019-09-17

A survey of nurses’ knowledge of PICC related thrombosis prevention and treatment in oncology departments

  • Online:2019-08-15 Published:2019-09-17

摘要:  目的 调查肿瘤科护士对经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管(peripherally inserted central catheter,PICC)血栓防治知识的掌握情况,分析其影响因素,以期为肿瘤科护士的PICC培训提供参考。 方法 于2018年2月要10月应用PICC相关血栓防治知识掌握状况问卷调查河南省7所三级甲等综合医院和3所三级甲等肿瘤专科医院的肿瘤科护士。结果 肿瘤科护士对PICC血栓防治知识掌握程度均分为(57.45±17.00)分;参与护理教学和参加过相关培训是影响护士对PICC血栓防治知识掌握程度的主要因素,可解释知识掌握情况29.4%的变异度。 结论 肿瘤科护士对PICC血栓防治知识的掌握处于中等水平,有待进一步提高。 鼓励护士参与临床教学,以及加强PICC专业培训是提升肿瘤科护士对PICC血栓防治知识掌握的重要因素。

关键词: 护士; 导管插入术, 中心静脉; 静脉血栓形成; 问卷调查

Abstract: Objective To know nurses’ knowledge of peripherally inserted central catheter(PICC)-related thrombosis prevention and treatment in oncology departments. Methods From February to October 2018,a cross-sectional survey was conducted on 234 nurses from 7 tertiary general hospitals and 3 tertiary oncology hospitals in Henan Province. Results The average score of knowledge level of Oncology nurses in PICC-related thrombosis prevention and treatment was 57.45±17.00. The thrombosis teaching and related training were the main factors that influenced the knowledge level of nurses and two factors accounted for 29.4% of total variance. Conclusion The knowledge
level of oncology nurses about PICC-related thrombosis prevention and treatment was on the middle level. Clinical teaching and professional training are the main factors that should be encouraged to improve the knowledge level of oncology nurses

Key words: Nurses; Catheterization, Central Venous; Venous Thrombosis; Questionnaires