eISSN 2097-6054 ISSN 1672-9234 CN 11-5289/R
Responsible Institution:China Association for Science and Technology
Publishing:Chinese Nursing Journals Publishing House Co.,Ltd.
Sponsor:Chinese Nursing Association
Source journal for Chinese Science Citation Database
China Academic Journals Full-text Database
China Core Journal Alternative Database

Chinese Journal of Nursing Education ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 718-724.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.1672-9234.2024.06.013

• Continuing Education • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Meta-analysis of attitudes towards death and influencing factors among nurses in China

HUANG Yuting(),ZHANG Huilin(),ZHU Jing,ZOU Ying,QIN Zuming,ZHANG Xiaoke   

  • Received:2023-07-25 Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-06-13


Objective To understand the state of attitudes towards death among nurses,and then provide references for targeted intervention. Methods The cross-sectional studies on attitude towards death among nurses using the Death Attitude Profiled-Revised(DAP-R)were searched in CNKI,CBM,VIP,Wanfang Data,PubMed,Web of Science,Embase,CINHAL,and the Cochrane Library from inception to May 10,2023. Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.4 and Stata 17.0. Results Totally 38 articles were included with a total sample size of 17 284. The highest score of death attitudes among Chinese nurses was 3.79(95%CI:3.59,3.98) for neutral acceptance. Female nurses were more likely to neutral acceptance(Z=2.14,P=0.03,I2=9%);Nurses with 6 to 10 years of service had higher scores on the fear of death dimension compared to nurses with more than 10 years of service (Z=2.90,P=0.004,I2=46%),and compared to nurses with ≤5 years of service,nurses with 6 to 10 years of service(Z=2.20,P=0.03,I2=68%) and more than 10 years of service(Z=3.60,P<0.001,I2=0%) death avoidance dimension scores were higher,and nurses with more than 10 years of employment had higher convergent acceptance dimension scores (Z=2.08,P=0.04,I2=0%) and escape acceptance dimension scores(Z=4.71,P<0.001,I2=0%);nurses who had experience of end-of-life management of patients had lower fear of death scores(Z=2.05,P=0.04,I2=0%) and lower approach acceptance scores(Z=2.57,P=0.01,I2=0%). Conclusion Clinical nurses’ attitudes toward death are complex,with neutral acceptance being predominant and death avoidance secondary. Nurses’ gender,working experience,and the exprience of managing patients at the end of life are the influencing factors of death attitude. The attitudes towards death of clinical nurses should be identified as soon as possible to carry out targeted death education.

Key words: Nurses, Attitudes towards death, Influencing factors, Meta-analysis