eISSN 2097-6054 ISSN 1672-9234 CN 11-5289/R
Responsible Institution:China Association for Science and Technology
Publishing:Chinese Nursing Journals Publishing House Co.,Ltd.
Sponsor:Chinese Nursing Association
Source journal for Chinese Science Citation Database
China Academic Journals Full-text Database
China Core Journal Alternative Database

Chinese Journal of Nursing Education ›› 2019, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (10): 768-771.

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The effects of “Five Ones” training and “stationed assessment” of the comprehensive cases on ability of clinical problem solving of new nurses

CHENG Shou-zhen,YAN Feng-jiao,ZHANG Xiao-yan,CHEN Li-fen,CHEN Yu-ying,KE Cai-xia,HUANG Yan-mei   

  • Online:2019-10-20 Published:2020-01-05

Abstract: Objective To explore the effects of “Five Ones” and “stationed assessment” of the comprehensive cases on ability of clinical problem solving of new nurses. Methods “Five Ones” training measures were developed for the new nurses. The “Five Ones” included “one training plan for one nurse”“one instructor team only responsible for one series of skills”“mastering care of patients with one disease”“one examination every week” and“one comprehensive case examination”. The examination performance and abilities of new nurses were assessed after the training and 2 years after the training was totally completed. Results After two years training and comprehensive cases assessment袁the new nurses had better examination performance,skill,and comprehensive ability. After 2 years training,98.1% of the new nurses recruited in 2016 agreed that they can easily cope with their current jobs. 72.1%~83.7% of them showed significant improvement in knowledge,skill and soft ability.Conclusion The “Five Ones” training and “stationed assessment” of the comprehensive cases can effectively improve the new nurses’ knowledge,skill,and soft ability. They can also improve the new nurses’ comprehensive ability to solve clin-ical nursing problems,and make it easier to cope with their jobs.

Key words: Nurses, Inservice Training, Clinical Competence, Stationed assessment