Nurses, Inservice Training,Structured on-the-job training
,"/> Structured on-the-job training for new nurses
eISSN 2097-6054 ISSN 1672-9234 CN 11-5289/R
Responsible Institution:China Association for Science and Technology
Publishing:Chinese Nursing Journals Publishing House Co.,Ltd.
Sponsor:Chinese Nursing Association
Source journal for Chinese Science Citation Database
China Academic Journals Full-text Database
China Core Journal Alternative Database

Chinese Journal of Nursing Education ›› 2019, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (10): 725-728.

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Structured on-the-job training for new nurses

LI Na,PENG Wen-tao   

  • Online:2019-10-20 Published:2020-01-03

Abstract: Structured on-the-job training included deciding whether to use the structured training program,analyzing the training contents,training instructors,developing the struc-tured modes袁implementing the training,and evaluating the training as well as solving the problems. Advantages and limitations of the training were analyzed and summarized. Measures of improving the training were proposed to further increase the training quality and training effects.

Key words: Nurses')">Nurses, Inservice Training')"> Inservice Training, Structured on-the-job training
')">Structured on-the-job training