ISSN 2097-6054(网络) ISSN 1672-9234(印刷) CN 11-5289/R
主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中华护理学会

中华护理教育 ›› 2021, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (1): 40-44.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.1672-9234.2021.01.008

• 院校教育 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 410208 长沙市 湖南中医药大学
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-26 出版日期:2021-01-20 发布日期:2021-01-22

Nursing Technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine:course construction and practice

LI Dong-ya,CHEN Ou-ying,NI Juan,MA Chao   

  • Received:2020-03-26 Online:2021-01-20 Published:2021-01-22


目的 探讨中医院校护理硕士专业学位研究生中医护理技术课程“学校-医院-社区三方课堂”的教学效果。 方法 将湖南某中医院校护理学院2019级32名护理硕士专业学位研究生设为试验组,采用“学校-医院-社区三方课堂”协同育人模式;将2018级30名护理硕士专业学位研究生设为对照组,采用常规“理实一体化”教学模式。课程结束后,比较两组的综合成绩和教学评价。 结果 试验组综合成绩高于对照组(P<0.05),试验组学生对教师和自身学习效果评价结果均优于对照组(P<0.05)。 结论 护理硕士专业学位研究生中医护理技术课程采用“学校-医院-社区三方课堂”协同育人,拓展了课程的广度和深度,提高了学生综合成绩,有利于学生辨证施护能力、科研能力、教学能力、综合应用能力的培养。

关键词: 教育, 护理, 研究生, 课程, 教育, 中医, 护理, 中医护理技术


Objective To explore the effects of Nursing Technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine for postgraduates. Methods The observational group consisted of 32 traditional Chinese medicine nursing masters of grade 2019. The cooperative education model of “campus,hospital,and community classroom” was adopted. The control group consisted of 30 students of grade 2018. The teaching model of “integration of theory and practice”. At the end of the program,the comprehensive scores and teaching evaluations of the two groups were compared. Results The scores of comprehensive performances of students in the observational group were higher than those of the control group(P<0.05). The evaluation score students in the observational group gave was higher than that of the students in the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion The teaching model of “campus,hospital,and community classroom” adopted in the course of Nursing Technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine can help with the breadth and depth of the course,improvement of students' overall performance,and cultivation of critical thinking ability,scientific research ability,and teaching ability,and comprehensive ability.

Key words: Education,Nursing,Graduate, Curriculum, EEDUCATION,NURSING(TCM), Nursing technology of traditional Chinese medicine