ISSN 2097-6054(网络) ISSN 1672-9234(印刷) CN 11-5289/R
主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中华护理学会

中华护理教育 ›› 2022, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (9): 824-830.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.1672-9234.2022.09.011

• 健康教育 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 210029 南京市 南京医科大学附属脑科医院重症医学科(史广玲,刘夕珍,杜海燕,刘娟,蒋学娟),护理部(张燕红)
  • 收稿日期:2021-09-24 出版日期:2022-09-15 发布日期:2022-09-20
  • 通讯作者: 张燕红
  • 作者简介:史广玲:女,本科,副主任护师,E-mail:

The symptom management of urinary incontinence in women:a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies

SHI Guangling(),ZHANG Yanhong(),LIU Xizhen,DU Haiyan,LIU Juan,JIANG Xuejuan   

  • Received:2021-09-24 Online:2022-09-15 Published:2022-09-20
  • Contact: Yanhong ZHANG


目的 系统评价女性尿失禁患者症状管理体验的质性研究,为更好地开展护理实践提供依据。 方法 系统检索Cochrane Library、PubMed、Web of Science、PsycINFO、CINAHL、Embase、中国知网、万方数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、维普数据库。搜索关于女性尿失禁患者症状管理体验的质性研究,检索时限从建库至2021年5月。使用JBI循证卫生保健中心质性研究质量评价标准对文献进行评价,运用Meta整合方法对研究结果进行整合。 结果 共纳入10篇研究,质量等级均为B级。提炼出46个研究结果,将相似结果归纳组合形成11个新的类别,并整合为3个结果:尿失禁患者症状体验差,尿失禁患者症状管理策略多元化,尿失禁患者症状管理结局的转变。 结论 女性尿失禁患者症状体验差,症状管理策略缺乏专业指导,症状管理结局有待改善。提供专业的信息支持和良好的社会家庭支持,增强患者的自我管理能力十分重要。

关键词: 尿失禁, 自我护理, 定性研究, Meta整合


Objective To systematically synthesize the qualitative evidence of symptom management experience in women with urinary incontinence. Methods The Cochrane Library,PubMed,Web of Science,PsycINFO,CINAHL,Embase,CNKI,WanFang,CBM,and VIP databases were systematically searched for qualitative studies on the experience of symptom management in women with urinary incontinence from inception to May 2021. The articles was evaluated using the JBI quality evaluation criteria for evidence-based health care central quality studies,and the meta-analysis method was used to integrate the study results. Results A total of 10 studies were included,the quality of all were rated as grade B. Forty-six results were extracted,and similar results were summarized and combined into 11 new categories and further integrated into three results:poor symptom experience in patients with urinary incontinence,diversification of symptom management strategies in patients with urinary incontinence,and transformation of symptom management outcomes in patients with urinary incontinence. Conclusion Women with urinary incontinence have poor symptom experience and lack the professional guidance on symptom management strategies. Their symptom management outcomes need to be improved. It is important to provide professional information support and good social family support to enhance the patient's self-management ability.

Key words: Urinary Incontinence, Self Care, Qualitative Research, Meta-synthesis