ISSN 2097-6054(网络) ISSN 1672-9234(印刷) CN 11-5289/R
主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中华护理学会

中华护理教育 ›› 2022, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (8): 714-718.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.1672-9234.2022.08.009

• 院校教育 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 411104 湘潭市 湘潭医卫职业技术学院(付雪连,还丽萍,陈羽保);湘潭市第六人民医院养老康复中心(肖敏,游斯越)
  • 收稿日期:2021-07-18 出版日期:2022-08-15 发布日期:2022-08-16
  • 作者简介:付雪连:女,硕士,副教授,E-mail:

Development of a hospice care course for students majored in geriatric nursing in a higher vocational college based on Fink integration model

FU Xuelian(),HUAN Liping,CHEN Yubao,XIAO Min,YOU Siyue   

  • Received:2021-07-18 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-08-16


目的 初步探讨基于Fink整合模式设计高职老年护理专业安宁疗护课程的方法和效果。 方法 基于Fink整合模式进行安宁疗护课程设计,于2021年3月—4月对高职老年护理专业138名学生进行安宁疗护课程教学,采用期末理论成绩、技能成绩和自制调查问卷以及学生提交的反思日记评价学生学习效果。 结果 学生期末理论成绩为(82.94±9.39)分;技能成绩为(90.45±4.32)分;课程结束1周时问卷调查显示,95.7%的学生认为提高了安宁疗护理论水平,92.8%的学生认为让自己更加珍惜生命,97.1%的学生认为提升了沟通能力;课程结束1年后,对学习目标达成认同的学生百分比为76.2%~91.3%。反思日记分析结果显示,基于Fink整合模式设计的安宁疗护课程让学生愿意关注安宁疗护发展,提升人际交往和学会学习的能力。 结论 采用Fink整合模式设计高职老年护理专业安宁疗护课程能提高学生的安宁疗护认知水平、人际交往能力,促进学生对生死的思考,增强学生从事安宁疗护工作的意愿,能为学生创造产生近期和远期影响的“有意义的学习经历”。

关键词: 课程, 临终关怀医疗, Fink整合课程设计模式, 老年护理


Objective To explore the effects of a hospice care course based on Fink integration model for students majored in geriatric nursing in a higher vocational college. Methods Fink model was used to design the hospice care course for students in a higher vocational college. The course was provided to 138 students from March to April 2021. The final theoretical scores,skill scores,self-made questionnaires and reflection diaries submitted by students were used to evaluate the effects of the course. Results The final theoretical score of the students was(82.94±9.39). The skill score was(90.45±4.32). The survey at the end of the course showed that 95.7% of the students agreed they had improved the theoretical level of hospice care,92.8% of the students thought they had made themselves cherish life,and 97.1% of the students thought they had improved their communication skills. One year after the course,76.2% to 91.3% students still agreed with the learning objectives had been achieved. The results of reflection diary analysis showed that the hospice care course made students more willing to pay attention to the development of hospice and improve their ability of interpersonal communication and learning. Conclusion The hospice care course designed by using Fink integration model can improve students’ hospice care cognitive level and interpersonal communication ability,promote students’ thinking about life and death,enhance students’ willingness to engage in hospice care work,and create “meaningful learning experience” with short-term and long-term impacts for students.

Key words: Curriculum, Hospice Care, Fink integrated course design model, Geriatric nursing