ISSN 2097-6054(网络) ISSN 1672-9234(印刷) CN 11-5289/R
主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中华护理学会

中华护理教育 ›› 2021, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (9): 840-843.doi: 10.3761/j.issn.1672-9234.2021.09.015

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  1. 450003 郑州市 河南省人民医院暨郑州大学人民医院胃肠外科(侯梦晓,赵天云,王志霞),泌尿外科(王飞杰,黄丽洁),公共事业发展部(越丽霞)
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-28 出版日期:2021-09-20 发布日期:2021-09-27
  • 通讯作者: 王飞杰
  • 作者简介:侯梦晓:女,硕士,护师,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Pressure Ulcer Management Self-Efficacy Scale for Nurses

HOU Meng-xiao(),WANG Fei-jie(),HUANG Li-jie,YUE Li-xia,ZHAO Tian-yun,WANG Zhi-xia   

  • Received:2020-12-28 Online:2021-09-20 Published:2021-09-27
  • Contact: Fei-jie WANG


目的 汉化护士压力性损伤管理自我效能感量表(Pressure Ulcer Management Self-Efficacy Scale for Nurses,PUM-SES),并检测该量表的信效度。 方法 采用Brislin模式对PUM-SES量表进行翻译、回译及跨文化调适,形成中文版PUM-SES量表。请6名专家进行2轮内容效度评价。便利选取河南省4所三级甲等医院1 190名临床护士,采用中文版PUM-SES量表进行调查,评价量表的信度和效度。 结果 中文版PUM-SES量表内容效度指数为0.967,探索性因子分析得到4个公因子,与原量表结构相同,累计方差贡献率为74.93%,验证性因子分析χ2/df=2.87、RMR=0.02、RMSEA=0.06、GFI=0.97、AGFI=0.95、TLI=0.93、IFI=0.91、CFI=0.97、PGFI=0.51,均达到适配(拟合)标准;中文版PUM-SES量表Cronbach’s α系数为0.948,重测信度为0.932。结论 中文版PUM-SES量表信效度较好,可以作为评估护士压力性损伤管理自我效能感的工具。

关键词: 护士, 自我效验, 压力性损伤管理, 信度, 效度, 量表


Objective To translate the Pressure Ulcer Management Self-Efficacy Scale for Nurses (PUM-SES) into Chinese,and to test the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the PUM-SES. Methods Brislin’s model was used to translate,back-translate,and culturally adjust the Chinese version of PUM-SES. Six experts were invited to conduct 2 rounds of content validity evaluation. A total of 1190 clinical nurses were recruited by convenient sampling from four tertiary hospitals in Henan province. Results The content validity index(CVI) of the PUM-SES was 0.967. The exploratory factor analysis(EFA) indicated four factors explaining 74.93% of the total variances,the structure is consistent with the original scale. The confirmatory factory analysis(CFA) indicated all measurements fit exceeded the recommended criteria:χ2/df=2.87,RMR=0.02,RMSEA=0.06,GFI=0.97,AGFI=0.95,TLI=0.93,IFI=0.91,CFI=0.97,PGFI=0.51. The Cronbach’s α of the PUM-SES was 0.948,and the test-retest reliability was 0.932 in this study. Conclusion The Chinese version of the PUM-SES was proved to be reliable and valid and can effectively assess the self-efficacy of nurses’ management of pressure ulcers in China.

Key words: Nurses, Self Efficacy, Pressure ulcers management, Reliability, Validity, Scale