ISSN 1672-9234 CN 11-5289/R
主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中华护理学会


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  • 出版日期:2016-01-20

The practice and effect of nursing cooperative learning among nurses with different levels in the Gastroen-terology Department

  • Online:2016-01-20

摘要: 目的 探讨合作学习模式在消化科护士分层次培训中的应用效果。 方法 以在职护士为研究对象,2013年单纯采用分层次岗位培训,2014年在此基础上结合合作学习模式,比较两个年度护理部对各层级护士考核成绩及所有护士对学习的自我评价。 结果 在职护士分层次培训中应用合作学习模式提高了3年内的年轻护士与骨干护士的理论成绩,且不同程度提升了护士的个人特质、临床护理能力、支持和人际沟通能力、评判性临床思维能力及专科建设与发展能力。 结论 合作学习模式有利于提高护士分层次培训效果及提升护士核心胜任力。

关键词: 在职培训, 合作行为, 临床工作能力, 分层次培训

Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effects of interactive group learning in stratified nurse training. Methods Thirty-eight nurses in the digestive department were trained by stratified nurse training in 2013 and trained by interactive group learning based on stratified nurse training in 2014. Then the performance evaluations and self-eval-uation of all these nurses were conducted. Results The application of interactive group learning improved the score of young nurses and senior nurses,and strengthened their personal traits,clinical nursing skills,communication skill, ability of critical clinical thinking and professional skills. Conclusion The interactive group learning helps to improve the effect of stratified nurse training and can strengthen the professional competence.

Key words: Inservice Training, Cooperative Behavior, Clinical Competence, Hierarchic training