ISSN 1672-9234 CN 11-5289/R
主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中华护理学会


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  • 出版日期:2016-01-20

The acceptance and attitude towards male nurses among community residents and hospitalized patients

  • Online:2016-01-20

摘要: 目的 调查社会大众对男护士的知晓及接受程度, 为医学院校护理专业培养男生及医院男护士管理提供依据。 方法 采用自设问卷,对珠海市297名社区居民及241例住院患者或其家属进行调查,内容包括对男护士的知晓情况、接受程度及原因。 结果 60.27%(179/297)的社区居民和72.20%(174/241)的住院患者或家属知晓或曾接受过男护士护理,43.43%(129/297)的社区居民和70.12%(169/241)的住院患者或家属愿意接受男护士护理,住院患者或家属对男护士的知晓率及接受程度均高于社区居民(P<0.01)。 男性住院患者或家属、文化程度较高的社区居民及住院患者或家属对男护士的接受程度较高(P<0.05或P<0.01)。 社会大众不愿意接受男护士的主要原因是传统观念、考虑隐私、职业认同感低、操作技能水平低、沟通能力不足。 结论 社会大众对男护士的认知尚需提高,男护士应从学生时代进行良好的职业规划,加强专业素养,树立积极形象,提高大众对男护士的接受程度。

关键词: 社区居民, 住院病人, 问卷调查, 态度, 男护士

Abstract: Objective To investigate the acceptance and attitude towards male nurses among community residents and hospitalized patients,and provide evidence for educating eligible male nursing students and stabilizing male nursing team in hospitals. Methods Totally 297 community residents and 241 hospitalized patients or relatives were investigated with a self-deigned questionnaire. Results 60.27%(179/297) of community residents and 72.20% (174/241) hospitalized patients or relatives knew about or cared by male nurses,43.43% (129/297) of community residents and 70.12% (169/241) of hospitalized patients would like to accept nursing care by male nurses. The awareness and acceptance of hospitalized patients was significantly higher than that of community residents(P<0.01). Male hospitalized patients,community residents and hospitalized patients with higher educational level showed higher acceptance towards male nurses (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The main factors which people were reluctant to male nurses were traditional concept,considering the privacy,sense of occupational accomplishment,poor operating capacity and lack of communication ability. Conclusion The awareness towards male nurses of community residents and hospitalized patients needs to be improved,and male nurses should develop occupation planning as early as possible.

Key words: Community resident, Inpatients, Questionnaires, Attitude, Male nurses