ISSN 1672-9234 CN 11-5289/R
主管:中国科学技术协会 主办:中华护理学会


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  • 出版日期:2016-01-20

Effects of simulation teaching to reduce nursing students’ occupation hazards

  • Online:2016-01-20

摘要: 目的 探讨职业防护情境模拟教学在预防临床实习学生职业危害中的效果。 方法 将87名学生随机分为试验组(44名)和对照组(43名)。 试验组采用情境模拟教学法教授职业防护知识,对照组采用传统教学法。 课程结束后对学生的职业防护态度、职业防护知识知晓情况进行调查,并在10个月的实习期结束后对学生的职业危害发生情况、职业危害自我防护行为进行调查。 结果 试验组学生的职业防护态度正向率、职业防护知识知晓率均高于对照组 ,差异具有统计学意义 (P<0.05);试验组学生职业危害自我防护行为得分为 (41.56±8.20)分 ,对照组为 (32.45± 6.28)分,试验组得分高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);试验组学生曾发生1次及以上职业危害的人数为 16名,对照组为29名,试验组职业危害发生率低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 职业防护情境模拟教学能提高临床实习学生职业防护教学的质量和效果,有助于提高学生职业防护知识和职业防护行为,降低职业危害的发生。

关键词: 教学方法, 职业损伤, 学生, 护理, 临床实习

Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effects of simulation teaching in the prevention of occupation hazards in nursing students. Methods Eighty-seven nursing students were randomly assigned to the experimental group(n=44) and the control group(n=43). Students in the experimental group received simulation teaching in the course of occupational protection, while students in the control group received traditional teaching. Students on occupation protective attitude rate of correct answers and the occupation protection knowledge rate were investigated when the courses were completed. The occupation hazard occurrence and the occupation protection behaviors were examined at the end of the internship. Results The occupation protective attitude rate of correct answers and the occupation protection knowledge rate were significantly higher in the experimental group than that in the control group(P<0.05). The occupation protection behaviors scores in the experimental group was 41.56±8.20, which was significantly higher than the scores in the control group(32.45±6.28)(P<0.05). The number of students suffered from more than one occupation hazards in the experimental group was significantly less than that in the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion Occupation protection simulation teaching can improve the quality and effectiveness of occupation protection teaching in nursing students,as well as the occupation protection knowledge level and the protecting behavior.

Key words: Teaching Methods; Occupation Injures; Students, Nursing; Clinical Practice